Implosions, Second Life

Hello, World?! – An Introduction.

Well, does the internet really need another blog? Probably not – am I giving this a shot anyways.  Yes.  So bear with me.

Where to start? I really don’t want to come across as cliched.  I am a 30-something woman.  I have a husband and I have a daughter.  I had a cat, but she ran away from home. I still miss her. But I digress.

I took a 5-year hiatus from the internet; Facebook, Second Life, Pinterest, Insert Other Time Consuming Media Here.  I have no idea what Instagram is, or how it works.  I feel unfamiliar and shaky.  The things I used to know is no longer tech-savvy knowledge, but rather aged wisdom. So here is my attempt to reconnect.

In a way, I miss being someone and on the flip side I have enjoyed my anonymity.  And between here and there, I lost myself. I miss my old friends, the ones that raged on with me.  But some of those relationships were toxic and maybe I am better off.  And so here I am, off to find myself, once again.

So I guess what I am trying to say is that this blog has no purpose. Not yet anyways.  It has no immediate or concrete plans, and like my existence, simply exists.  I hope one day to fill it with musings, implosions and inspirations, until then its a subtle reminder for me, of me.

Care to get lost with me?

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